Full Production

Thing I said this weekend: “Goldie, you’re a WOMAN!”

I know…so weird. But she laid her first egg yesterday! That means that all five now produce those delicious butt nuggets. I saw her squat on Saturday so it was only a matter of time. Amazing what a primal, natural thing it is. Submissive squat = mature enough to mate = ready to lay.

It also means that I have even MORE eggs that I can’t eat. I give so many eggs away! If you see me with a white paper sack in my massive purse, ask me if you can have them. Most of the time, I just carry them until I see someone that would want them. I shove the bag at them and say “YA WANT SOME EGGS?” They are rarely “reserved” for anyone in particular.

I shared this article on Facebook a few weeks ago. I don’t wash my eggs. I don’t refrigerate my eggs. It’s fiiiiiinnnnne.

That’s…about it around here. Hazel is broody again but I can already tell this will be a recurring issue so it is no longer news. Homechicken wants to be a mommy. Not gonna happen, sister.



A Peep at the Coops

A Peep at the Coops is an annual tour of chicken coops in East Dallas. It’s a fundraiser for Moss Haven Farm, a non-profit that provides “…nutritional, agricultural and environmental education on an urban school farm…”

Last year, I was in the throes of wanting chickens when it came up, so I dragged my friend Andrew with me and we drove around to tour 6 different backyard chicken coops. It’s like a home tour or garden tour, just…for coops. This should be painfully obvious.

It gave me a chance to see, – up close – coop construction, chicken breeds, general chicken-keeping practices, and ask questions OMG SO MANY QUESTIONS. I loved seeing the different sizes of coops, construction of runs, run materials, and the relaxed attitude pretty much everyone had about their flocks. They just made it seem approachable, accessible, DOABLE.

A week later, I brought my chicks home from Rooster Home & Hardware and started my coop construction. There really isn’t a way to fully convey the influence of that event on my life.

This year, I’m SO EXCITED OMG I COULD PEE. My coop will be featured on the tour!! I saw on social media that they were accepting applications for the 2017 event, so I applied, they came to see my setup, and I was accepted.

There is much work to be done in the backyard. It’s a disaster after the winter, and needs some TLC in general. So I’m working out some plans and when mom comes to visit in April, we will get to work!

Plant, dig, edge, mulch, trim, rake, repeat a couple dozen times. I’m sore and dehydrated just thinking about it. I can’t wait!