Hazel’s First Egg

I ALWAYS check for eggs in the morning even though the egg-making process take roughly 25 hours and means that they typically lay later and later every day and then skip a day. Even the best egg-makers need a break every now and then, right?

SPOILER ALERT: Hazel laid her first egg today.


This is a big deal because not only is she tiny and ridiculous (with subsequently tiny and ridiculous eggs), but she showed no signs of being ready to lay (enlarged wattles, submissive squatting, general assholery). And yet?

There it was and I shouted “HAZEL! YOU’RE A WOMAN!” because I won’t have human children to embarrass during puberty, so I have to do it to my chickens. She’s a girl of a certain age (right at 6 months) so it was time, though some don’t lay till much MUCH later. I was shocked.

What a treat! Hazel is a Silkie hen and as such, will only lay about three small eggs each week. Seriously – it’s like half the size of a regular egg. So small, in fact, that I laughed and laughed and laughed. Like, tears and messed-up-my-makeup-guffawing-in-the-car LAUGHING.

So. Three of the girls have laid eggs. Yesterday I made one of these damn Pinterest things (SO DELISHUS) with eggs, cheese, red peppers (from my garden), and jalapeno (from my garden) for breakfast. Then for dinner I made this spaghetti carbonara with (homemade, fresh pasta). And yes, I felt as self-righteous as I sound right now. Now I just need pigs so I can process my own pork. Y’all know how much I love cured pork products.

So. Three out of my four little cluckers are laying. Betty is my hold-out but it should be any day.

Now…who needs eggs??